
jasontav avatar image
jasontav asked

Experience of BYD Batteries together with Victron Venus/MPPT/Inverters


Anyone with experience of using BYD batteries with Victron equipment, I'd love to hear your comments.



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1 Answer
Gabriel Tanasescu avatar image
Gabriel Tanasescu answered ยท

I Have already two systems installed. Gx+ Multiplus + MPPT 150/70+ B-Box L of them has some alarm ... sometime about ... from both of them system is Grid connected, one system are Off-grid.

High charge current alarm: Alarm
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daryl avatar image daryl commented ยท

were you aware that the B-Box L 7.0 is not a supported configuration for off-grid?

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Gabriel Tanasescu avatar image Gabriel Tanasescu daryl commented ยท

I know , it don't was may config ....., the customer orders this system ,and after that , he cal to me to make interconnection , now he go to order another tipe of BTD winch working on the Off-grid... he have money , no problem ,it was his mistake ..

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Related Resources

Victron BYD battery compatibility guide

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