
mike-deau avatar image
mike-deau asked

Multi country 120v and 240v in a van.

So I have tried to read all of the posts associated with this, please bear with me if this is answer is repeated elsewear. I have read up on auto transformers, but am having a tough time wrapping my head around it.

I would like to set up a system with the following AC capabilities.

1) Hopefully using a new multiplus 2, as it is more compact for my limited van space.

2) I am in the US, but plan on traveling down through South America once everything is clear. In general, deal with this mess of voltages and frequencies and plugs.

I have played with the "demo" multiplus on the victron connect app, and it looks like I can configure 45-60 hz wide frequency input as well as being able to accept a wide band of voltage input, from ~187to~265?. I can also set my output voltage to match my 240v american appliances.

Some specifications:

1) Be able to accept shore power from both 120 and 240, 60 hz and 50 hz.

2) Be able to accept "generator" power from the alternator. In lieu of DC-DC converter, as a main battery charging method. I am thinking I would like to go from 12vdc -> 120AC (Pheonix) -> Multiplus -> battery (thinking 48v). This means that I would like this chain to be as efficient as possible. Hopefully this can be done without an auto transformer?

3) Be able to produce both 120v and 240v? Not having 120 in the van is not a huge issue. We could just get all 240v appliances and have a small 12v->120ac inverter that we pull out if a guest needs to charge a laptop.

Any thoughts?

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2 Answers
penbarker avatar image
penbarker answered ·

@Mike Deau did you implement this system that you describe? I am trying to set up my RV in the same way (MP-II + 120/240 32A Autotransformer for balanced split phase) and would like to know about
1. MP-II 48/5000/70-50 availability in the US

2. Confirm that MP-II 48/5000/70-50 can be set to output 240V @ 60 Hz

3. Confirm operation of 120/240V 32A Autotransformer with MP-II -- can you successfully create a split phase 120/240V L1-N-L2?


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aleuli avatar image aleuli commented ·

I have a setup with a multiplus 48/3000/35-50, 240V version, and a 120/240V 32A Autotransformer. Is all set to feed a split phase system.

I did connect the Multi direct to the the grid 208/240V input. Removed the neutral input from the grid, the autotransformer is on the output of the multi so it does create the 110-0-110V split phase system. works like a charm.

The downside is that if like me, you live in a comercial(or condo) area where a three phase transformer is used to feed a 208V you will get ~104-0-104V on the split phase. But that works for me.

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mike-deau avatar image
mike-deau answered ·

Hey penbarker,

I have not built out that system yet and have not heard much about the best way to execute it either. I have no answers to any of your three questions!


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