
regtek avatar image
regtek asked

Using Multiplus 48v with BlueSolar 150/35 with Leaf 7s

Hi, I want to know if using a Victron BlueSolar MPPT 150/35 35A solar charge controller with a 48v Victron Multiplus 48/1200/13 inverter charger with Leaf 48V battery pack is viable?

I ask as the Multiplus can also charge the leaf batteries and clearly they cant both do this! So can the Multiplus be configured (by what) to not charge if solar is available?

Also I appreciate the Multplus is essentially (to me) a UPS, so if I want to use its as an inverter I merely arrange to switch of its AC input to trigger a switchover to inverter AC out, or is there something in its software to trigger this?

Lastly I want to allow Batrium Watchmon 5 with leafmons to control the leaf battery pack (balancing/monitoring etc). Am I crazy or does this make sense?



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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I seems like you are after an Energy Storage System.
The MPPT has prority over charging the battery, the MultiPlus will only charge under low battery conditions or if you choose to "Keep Battery Charged".

Have a read of the ESS manual and see if it's for you:

I don't know much about Batrium, but the temperature sensor input of the MultiPlus can be used to stop charge and discharge from a pair of contacts on the Batrium to signal a battery fault event. In an ESS system, the fault signal input to the MultiPlus will stop the MPPT charger too.

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