
Albert Mantel avatar image
Albert Mantel asked

Programming relais K1

I have a Multiplus 14/5000/120 (10R-053543). I tried to program relay K1 in such a way that the contact will be closed when AC1 is available. Result: K1 is always closed (zero ohm between NO and COM). Attached the screen of the VEconfigure 3 in the "get settings" mode. N.B. I send the program and reboot the device.

Please what did I wrong. I have browsed the Internet and don't find examples what helps to solve it.

capture.png (87.8 KiB)
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You also have to program a assistant to open the relay (when AC IN is not available).

2 |3000

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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·

Sorry to open up this topic again.

I'd like to program my MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 but it's not possible since the software won't let me.

I even switched off the virtual switch, but no difference. What can I do do be able to use K1 + K2 please..?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ offroadflow commented ·

Can you provide some more information?

What software do you use? Some screenshots maybe?

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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Thank you so much for your reply @Matthias !

I'm using the VE Config 3 on an old WIN8.1 tablet.

Here a couple of screenshots:




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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

...and I'm using the MK2 USB interface...

Hope this helps...

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ offroadflow commented ·

Unless it's been updated before, your firmware is only 152. Not suitable for Assistants..

And you may need to use VEFlash. This should cover your needs, but at least a place to start your research. Heed the warnings too, not for the unwary:


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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow JohnC ♦ commented ·

Yes @JohnC

You were right.
I updated to the latest firmware and now i do have access to all the assistants.
Thanks for the hint!

The idea behind changing to the 4xx firmware was to be able to start/stop the generator in case of low battery AND drive a second relay what bridges a switch i installed (to prevent charging when i use the same generator to weld).
So normally that switch is OFF.
Therefore i need an extra relay to bridge it as explained.

Now i´d like to go one step further that in case of low battery the generator starts, charges and swiches off a few minutes AFTER the inverter stopped charging to let it cool down before stopping
Logically it´s all possible, but after studying all the available assistants i see no timer functions nor logical connections to be made in between the already programmed assistants.
Not sure i´m explaining myself in an understandable way here... :D

I keep studying, maybe some logic pops up i haven´t thought of before.
Thanks in any case for your help(s)!

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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow offroadflow commented ·

All good!
I got the idea of it.
Programming Aux IN to K1 and wiring them etc...

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