
tony-towers avatar image
tony-towers asked

Overvoltage on AC-out


I have got a 120/240V system comprised by 6x Quattro 5kVA 120V units (3x per leg). This system has been working perfectly for a couple of months however for the last few days, when the generator switches OFF the voltage at the output drops for about 30 seconds and we are getting the alarm "#5 Overvoltage on AC-out"

I have checked the voltages on the input and realised the voltage on L1 was quite high 130V approx. I though that was the problem, however I have fine tuned the generator voltage to be closer to 120V and still having the same issue. According with the Victron documentation, this Error 5 could be related to a wiring issue on one of the slaves but I have checked that and everything seems fine.

VRM Portal ID: 0cae7d24a5a1

Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

btw we're in contact through email about this issue, and will post here when we find the cause (AC disconnect voltage, generator, PV, ??)

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