
twbooboo avatar image
twbooboo asked

Multiplus Compact 12/800/35 not turning on

I recently bought a Multiplus Compact 12/800/35 off ebay which was sold as working. Now I've gotten round to connecting it up and testing it, I can't seem to get it to turn on. When I flick the switch to on the green, yellow and red LEDs all light up at the same time for around 1 second then go off and nothing else happens. No output from the inverter or on passthrough.

Any suggestions for what might be going wrong?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A short flash of all LEDs is a good sign. :)

Take a look at the manual, open the front panel and check everything is as default:
4.4.3. Remote Control - appendix A - H - there should be no wires connected
5.5.3 Dip-switches: 1=off | 2=on | all the other= off


You have to take a look at the settings with VE.config and a MK3-interface.

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twbooboo avatar image twbooboo commented ·

Thanks for your reply. I’ve re-checked all the connections and the dip switch settings and done some more testing. AC passthrough is now working when in the on and charger only positions. However in both positions I get the charger LED on and the alarm LED flashing and can’t get the inverter to start. Any suggestions for what might be causing this behaviour as I can’t find any reference in the manual? Unfortunately I don’t have a MK3-interface to check the detailed settings

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