
alieren avatar image
alieren asked

multiplus II use with mppt

We have a multiplus II 48/5000 and a mppt 250/100. When the grid interrupt, we want to, if the system have solar energy (PV connection), loads are fed by PV. But we tested this situation, loads are fed by PV and Battery even if PV is connected. We do not want this, if PV is connected, preferably loads are fed by PV. After PV power finish, system use battery to feed loads.

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Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image Riaan Barkhuizen commented ยท

Do you have gx device and ESS assistant loaded?

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alieren avatar image alieren Riaan Barkhuizen commented ยท

Yes I have gx device. I installed the ESS assistant and configured it from there. But when pv power is less than load, it uses battery or grid. In this case, solar energy cannot be used. If the PV is connected, I always want to use PV to feed load firstly. How I can configure on ESS assistant?

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Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image Riaan Barkhuizen alieren commented ยท

Hi @alieren

When the pv is less than the load the other power sources needs to be used (ie battery or grid). This is to ensure stability.

When PV is more than the load, then only will batteries be charged.

When Battery is full the system will reduce pv production or export energy based on your selected setting.

I'm not sure if I understood your question.

Best regards


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alieren avatar image alieren Riaan Barkhuizen commented ยท

Hi @Riaan Barkhuizen

We know this case and we tested this condition. But we want to use PV power in all cases.

(All cases meaning; the load power less than PV power and the load power more than PV power and the load power equal PV power. )

System, firstly, use PV power to feed loads. After PV power finish, system use battery to feed loads.

We tried to adjust this many time. But it does not work.

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