
matthewlewishumphrey avatar image
matthewlewishumphrey asked

Multiplus programmable relay

I've got a Multiplus 24/3000/70 and I need help with the programmable relay.

The Multiplus is the only Victron component in my stack. The batteries are charged using PVs via a Midnite charge controller and this controller uses an AUX2 algorithm to PWM a 12VDC signal to an SSR to engage an immersion heater so I can maximise my PV harvest and dump into hot water when the batteries don't need the charge..

I have wired in an AC source available from a community hydro supply but I only want to use that as a last resort (I have to pay for it) if there is no sun for a while and batteries are going flat. So I have used VE Configure 3 to define 2 Assistants ('general user flag' & 'generator start and stop') so that if the battery voltage or load conditions are triggered the AC input is connected, then disconnects when the batteries have gone through bulk. It works well. However if the AC input is connected, as the batteries move through their charge cycle, I do not want the Midnite AUX2 signal to reach the SSR.

Here's the point I need help with. I want to receive a relay signal from the Multiplus when the AC source is connected (by the other 2 assistants). I could use an external load sensing relay (e.g. Lamonde ACS200) on the AC in but I feel certain that I could define a 'programmable relay' to give me a signal when the AC in is loaded.

There is a green screw connector block on the top right of the Multiplus circuit board (NC/NO/Com). I can't figure out what programmble relay assistant settings to use although the following looks like it ought to work...

*) Use primary programmable relay

*) Set relay off (or on)

*) when AC1 available for 10 seconds

The signal path would be 12VDC in series from the Midnite AUX2 to the relay block on the Multiplus to the SSR.

I've searched the community and goggled but so far not succeeded. I can't be the first person to try this. Any help would be appreciated.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

I think you need to have separate assistants for each operation.

1) for "ON"

2) for "OFF"

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matthewlewishumphrey avatar image matthewlewishumphrey Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

Thank you for your reply. Oh yes, I see, 2 assistants. Do you think choosing "primary programmable relay" is the correct assistant choice to use green screw connector block on the top right of the Multiplus circuit board marked (NC/NO/Com)?

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1 Answer
dayandnight avatar image
dayandnight answered ·

Hello @MatthewLewisHumphrey,

"There is a green screw connector block on the top right of the Multiplus circuit board (NC/NO/Com). I can't figure out what programmble relay assistant settings to use although the following looks like it ought to work"

You are right! When mentioned in an assistant "Use primary programmable relay" -

it is for a Multiplus-II the AUX-relay - I marked in the photo with orange. You menitoned a "green screw connector block " which is at my equipment of blue colour. But electrical signals and current doesn't take care about colours as long as you use the right ones.! ;-)

When mentioned in assistants "Use secondary programmable relay K1"

it is with a Multiplus-II not a relay. It is an open collector port. Yellow mark in the above photo. It should be easy and possible to connect there an external small relay with low supply current. Perhabs it is neccessary to use parallel a self-induction recuperation diode - I don't know - please ask your Victron dealer before you are going to ruin your equipment!

Have success!


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