
kev-rm avatar image
kev-rm asked

SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 Doesn't detect already in float

Newly installed 100/50 and I also have a shore power charger. The shore power charger has a float voltage that is slightly higher than my float settings on the MPPT charger. In the AM, batteries are floating already... Solar Charger goes into bulk mode. This is obviously not ideal. Is the charger designed to NOT coexist with other chargers?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @kev_rm

It's designed to charge batts to an algorithm based on V. It can't talk to your shore charger, but can only see V.

In the absence of anything else, you'll need to tell it what to do yourself. By default it will assume it's the only charger in the system, and act appropriately.

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kev-rm avatar image kev-rm commented ·

Sure, and it could have seen that the other charger already charged the batteries in this case. Also I'm not sure what you mean by "you'll need to tell it what to do" ?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ kev-rm commented ·

It can only see V. If it's a 'charged V' you need to tell it what you want. What do you expect from it?

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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear JohnC ♦ commented ·

I would expect that two victron products can talk to eachother and recognize that the batteries are already in Float from another charger

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marvs avatar image marvs hummingbear commented ·

I kind of have the same expectation. It seems like a waste to have the SmartSolar sitting there in BULK mode when the battery if already fully charged from the night before (MultiPlus in FLOAT mode)

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

#3.7 Battery charging information.....

The charge controller starts a new charge cycle every morning, when the sun starts shining.

because its an adaptive 3 stage charger,it will always start with bulk charge when in standalone mode!.

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michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi gentlemen ! Usually the SmartSolar works this way : BULK, even a few minutes, to have a reference, then ABSORPTION, and finally it will switch to FLOAT.

It is a normal behaviour, and won't damage the battery bank.


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marvs avatar image marvs commented ·

Well I don’t think it actually does act this way, as my SmartSolar has remained in BULK all morning. I don’t see how it will come out of BULK as the MultiPlus is keeping the battery at the FLOAT voltage of 13.6 so the SmartSolar will never be able to raise it and trigger itself into ABSORPTION or FLOAT

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