
matthieujacobs13 avatar image
matthieujacobs13 asked

AC auxiliary output Multiplus II


It's not clear to me how the multiplus II decides when to switch of the AC out 2. Is this when the AC in is disconnected or when the batteries start supplying power?

The second case would mean AC2 output is disconnected in a system with a fronius inverter connected to AC out 2 and a mppt solar connected between mutli and batteries on the dc side?

How can the multi use power from both devices at the same time, while still allowing power to go to AC out 2?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

That depends on your programming of the Multi.

The default setting is that the AC OUT 2 will be engaged around a minute after the AC IN become available and disengage imminently if AC IN fails.

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matthieujacobs13 avatar image matthieujacobs13 commented ยท

So the working of the auxiliary output is independant of the battery state? We want to make an installation with a fronius coupled on the ac output 2 and an mpp on the dc side but were worried the ac side would shut down when power flows from the mppt as the multi cannot determine if this comes from the batteries or from the pv connected through the mppt

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