
paul-2 avatar image
paul-2 asked

What are the overload shutdown vs warning criteriaon mulitplus?

Have a paired 12/3000 multi split phase install that is seeing occasional overload errors - this is somewhat expected as there are multiple cruisair units that can sometimes start close together. They all have soft starts, but can still see 200ms at ~35-40 amps.

The odd thing is it will shutdown when it happens late at night, they shutdown. When it happens during the day it just notes it and plods along. There other loads that vary and there are water heaters on the 2nd output of the multi. Power assist is enabled, and Should be able to carry everything for brief moments.

What is the shutdown vs. warning criteria on overload?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The 'maximum output current' listed for the 120V unit is '65A peak, 45A for 1 sec.'. I think I've seen more comprehensive figures for the 230V units, but can't seem to find that anymore. That'll be for shutdown, and the warnings likely emanate from the continuous W limit being exceeded. That stuff is hard-coded, the warnings seem to pass through to VRM, and you get an email if you've allowed it.

But there's other ways to cause a shutdown, perhaps by low Vbat during a spike, and those notifications seem to be treated differently.

And most of those are adjustable, within limits, in the Multi. Maybe try to pin down what the actual cause of your shutdown is. At night, with batts resting at a lower V, the chance of a spike causing a low V rises. My shutdown V is set at the lowest possible, and I think Victron defaults on new units are down there too.

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Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hello, All on overload is explained here ;

please have a look at that

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