
tr001 avatar image
tr001 asked

Multiplus Compact controlled with remote switch while running VE.Bus BMS

Dear Victron-Team,

I have following devices:
- Multiplus Compact 12/2000
- LiFePo4 12.8V Smart 200Ah
- VE.Bus BMS
- Remote 3 way switch to control the Multiplus.

The Battery, VE.Bus BMS and Multiplus are up and running and everything works great. Initially I installed the โ€˜VE.Bus BMS Supportโ€™ Assistant with VEConfigure, then all parameters have been set through โ€˜Victron Connectโ€™.

During the installation of the VE.Bus assistant a message was prompted that dip switch 1 had to be ON and Dip Switch 2 has to be OFF.

Now Iโ€™m running into the issue that in order to use the 3 way switch, the dip switches have to be different ( 1 and 2 OFF according to the Multiplus manual). I canโ€™t get the 3 way switch to work as long as the VE.Bus assistant is installed and the Multiplus is controlled through the VE.Bus BMS.

Is there something Iโ€™m missing?
Is there maybe another assistant available that can be installed on the Multiplus which would support the 3-way switch without changing the dip switches?

I don't have enough room to install the Victron Digital Multi Control (DMC) and one of the main reasons to buy the Multiplus was because it can be controlled with an external switch.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ยท

Because you are using the VE-BMS in the system and the assistant.

Then Currently the remote switch will not work, even if you had a GX device the remote on/off in that device is also disabled. ( I have been told that this draw back will not be changed)

you can only use Victron Digital Multi Control (DMC)

As a possible solution. you could to Install the DMC behind the dash and connect a second on/off/on switch to the DMC switch's connection points and thus extend this to were you want to mount the switch.

Sorry I cant be more helpfull

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tr001 avatar image tr001 commented ยท

Thank you Paul!

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