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Fault on Multi Mk2 - not in Manual

Hi All,

I have installed a Mk2 multi I bought recently has been showing an LED fault condition I'm not familiar with, nor can find info about. It's not in the manual.

Absorption and float are on (solid)

And 'inverter on' is flashing

No power output.

This happened twice in the early hours of the morning a week apart. Operated normally in the interim.

The customer has reset the unit by disconnecting from the battery and reconnecting and it has restarted successfully but since it has failed a second time in a week I'm concerned and want to sort it out so it doesn't continue.

Further information: 24/3000 Mk2 MultiPlus updated firmware to latest release and programmed for the site.
24V Tubular Gel batteries ~790Ah, Plasmatronics PL60, off-grid only, No GX device, no BMV (but one will be going in soon) Mixed bag of 24V panels large enough array to fully charge the batteries.

Please advise.

2 |3000

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