
Minas Papageorgiou avatar image
Minas Papageorgiou asked

Old BlueSolar VE.Can MPPT compatibility with New SmartSolar VE.Can?

I have an old (2012) BlueSolar Charger 150V/70A (PN: SCC010070000).

I want to expand the system by buying another one in parallel connection but I see that the new hardware is different. Will they be compatible?

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @m_papag

They will certainly work and charge properly paralleled together. And you can have varying sizes too.

'Compatibility' beyond that would need definition, and if you have special needs then perhaps tell us what you want to do.

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Minas Papageorgiou avatar image Minas Papageorgiou commented ·

I was told that to synchronize them they need to have the same hardware.

But even the shell has changed completely, so I imagine that the hardware is also different. So you mean I can buy a new Bluesolar 150/70 and use the RJ45?

Because I see that the new BlueSolar 150/70 does not have VE.Can bus, while my old one does have VE.Can

Therefore, which new BlueSolar should I buy to make parallel synchronized connection with my old one (PN: SCC010070000) ?

Thank You!

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ Minas Papageorgiou commented ·

Maybe this of interest. Yeh I know they're Smart models:

I'd expect them to be CAN compatible, but don't know for sure. Maybe someone else can confirm?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ Minas Papageorgiou commented ·

Hello @m_papag,

Any other Victron MPPT can be connected in parallel, and it will work. Though charge cycle programs might differ slightly.

The only MPPT that will synchronise with your older VE.Can unit with the screen, is another just like it. These units are now discontinued from manufacturing, though may still be possible to buy through some distributors. If a full synchronised operation is important, you might want to make some enquiries and start looking around for one.

The new model SmartSolar VE.Direct and SmartSolar VE.Can (without the screen) are able to synchronise with each other, but not with the older style VE.Can model with a screen and buttons.

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Minas Papageorgiou avatar image Minas Papageorgiou Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for the feedback. You are referring to SmartSolar.

But I see there is a BlueSolar MPPT 150/100 VE.Can.

Is this compatible / available?

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Minas Papageorgiou avatar image Minas Papageorgiou Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello Guy. As I see you are talking about the SmartSolar models. If I understand correctly there are also new BlueSolar models. Is the new BlueSolar 150/100 VE.Can compatible to sync?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ Minas Papageorgiou commented ·

Hi @m_papag

Unfortunately the new model BlueSolar VE.Can without the screen does not sync with the old BlueSolar with the screen either.

Though I understand and agree that this adds to the confusion.

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