
solarchain avatar image
solarchain asked

How to verify that the cable is effecting the Victron MPPT controller

Attempting to use a third party BMS and a non inverting cable to switch an Victron MPPT controller on-off. Does the completely shut off the MPPT or is it only the charging functionality that gets turned on/off? Since there is no physical switch on the MPPT once you initiate a controller off the only way to get it to turn back on would be by initiating this via the cable it seems. Clarification on how this works would be helpful.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ยท

The MPPT charging will be enabled when there is a high signal on the non-inverting cable. MPPT charging will be disabled when the signal is low or floating.

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solarchain avatar image solarchain commented ยท

But is there a way to tell from the MPPT that the status has changed based upon a remote signal initiation. Same could be asked about the Multiplus using two wire BMS, is there a way that can we determine if the request was made externally to the Multi vs. actions from the Charge or Inverter settings?

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