
kastearman avatar image
kastearman asked

SmartSolar Charger Controller not charging

I purchased a SmartSolar Charger controller through amazon in January, installed on my boat in February. It is no longer charging my house batteries. Solar panels are absorbing energy but the controller is not allowing it to charge the batteries. Sailed from Miami to Bimini on 03/15/2020 and my batteries charged to 100% with no issue. The next day no charge was being received and my house batteries (new Fireflys) got down below 30%. I was forced to come to a marina in Bimini to connect to shore power and try to troubleshoot but Amazon is useless. I need someone who can actually troubleshoot. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

What charge controller? What panels? PV voltage? Battery voltage? Fuses checked?
Can you give us some screenshots of VictronConnect?

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kastearman avatar image
kastearman answered ยท

Victron SmartSolar MPPT charge controller 150v-70 amp

2 Canadian solar KuMax CS3U-380MS 380w mono solar panels

PV voltage 75

Battery voltage 13.5

Fuses checked

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ยท

@kastearman, your screenshot shows that you're currently (whenever you took the screenshot) charging your batteries at 23A in absorption, so it appears that your system is working properly... did you resolve the issue, or was this taken before the issue occurred, or...?

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kastearman avatar image kastearman commented ยท

Thank you for responding. This is after troubleshooting this morning. Here is the current shot. Our battery percentage is still not going up. It is partly cloudy/hazy today.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook โ™ฆโ™ฆ kastearman commented ยท

Okay hmmmm are you sure you have your BMV shunt connected properly? If your solar is charging at 9.2A, the BMV should show +9.2A, not -9.1A.

...unless you're actually running around 18A of loads, in which case you have 9.2A being generated by solar, for a net "out" from the battery of around -9.1A.

Bottom line, it appears that either something isn't connected correctly in your system or you're running much higher DC loads than you might think.

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