
zabbaskeema avatar image
zabbaskeema asked

Smartsolar 150/35 shows Pv voltage and no PV connected.

As per title!

Of course I verified the panels are correctly connected. In fact I have the exact same setup twice on the boat side by side, all the same.

When I turn the Pv breaker on it goes off right away just like if there was a short but there is none.

When the breaker is off I see the battery voltage for the Pv (minus .5v I think).

It is like if there is a short in the controller?

Anything I can reset?

Bluethoot and contrรดler access is working fine so problem.

Any help greatly needed now.


Here is an update. Turned out one of the two panel connected in series is internally shorted. The other one must have fried as well because it ouputs millivolts (although varying with the sun/shade variation.)

That is not a good day.

Here is another update: I used the two other working panels I have and connected them to the "faulty" controller.

The panels are showing up with the expected 130v and the controller is putting up the 35A. When I remove the panel it is back to battery voltage minus 0.5v.

It seems to work but I am wondering if this is not the symptom of something broken inside the controller. I don't care it shows battery v - 0.5v If no panel is connected. I am performing a cycle charge and will see. If anyone has info please let me know.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ยท

Yes it seems that your MPPT has an internal issue if it's showing a PV voltage close to battery voltage with PV totally disconnected or at night.

This is a similar post;

Contact your dealer and explain the behavior/get your unit tested.

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petajoule avatar image
petajoule answered ยท

Had this on two MPPTs - each time it was the fuse blown. Now the 150/35 has a a non.replacable fuse (at least not end-user replacable), so the manual says "Return to VE for repair".

As it is a SmartSolar - what does the history say when you look it up via VictronConnect? Any errors?

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zabbaskeema avatar image zabbaskeema commented ยท

All is fine no errors no weird voltage spike. In fact this controller was never used before.

I connected it to the two working panels and it worked flawlessly just like my other 150/35 - I had a flat out 480ah 12v and it went through the complete charge in bulk then float just like it should. I still haven't found anything wrong except that weird panel voltage showing.

Maybe a diode that prevents current from the battery to show on that shunt side is dead?

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