
john-martin avatar image
john-martin asked

Can I update my phoenix multi plus 12 3000 120 to Lifepo4 charge profile.

Hi, I have a phoenix multi plus 12 3000 120 on my boat and i have upgraded the house batteries to 400amp hrs of lifepo4, the number on the multi plus chip is 1909125, will updating the firmware to xxxx2xx give me access to a lifepo4 charge profile or am i better off adjusting the dip switches to get the right charge voltage.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @John Martin

Leave the dipswitches. The latest firmware for your model is 159 or 209 (for assistants).

What you'll likely get is this stock profile (from 158), and this shot (click the link) shows you the changes vs flooded pb.

You could build your own custom profile to similar without the f/w update. Then of course check to see if it does as you want. No mention there of temp-compensation, but something to watch for..

1583381230132.png (175.5 KiB)
2 |3000

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