
ronanddeb avatar image
ronanddeb asked

how to wire two different amp Smartsolar charger controllers

how to connect mppt 100/30 and mppt 100/50, as I have 800 watts of solar going into 4 - 120 ahr lithium batteries

wiring diagram
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @ronanddeb

Just parallel them into the same batt terminal/bus on both +/- sides.

They should work fine individually, but the newer Smart firmware should be able to sync their 'charge states' if you link them via bt. Try it..

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macca61 avatar image
macca61 answered ·

I have done this very simply as the previous answer but put a seperate breaker in for each before joining up so you can seperate the inputs if needed, i have then put another breaker after that so you are protecting the wiring as a whole, (belt and braces)

They each work fine and there is no conflict at all.

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