
wood2dust avatar image
wood2dust asked

Surge Protector and MultiPlus II


I have a MultiPlus II for about a year, two MTTP (100/50) Solar chargers, BMV-712 and GX Color display. We spent roughly 70 nights last year using a mixture of boon docking and RV Parks. I have not been using a Surge Protector for this 50A rig.

So recently I decided to add a hardwired Southwire 35550 Surge Protector and this is where the problems started. Upon testing it here at the house using a singe 30A dog-bone on a 30A RV plug. After the 128 second delay the SP turns off the shore power. It is reporting Ground Fault and Power Reverse, this is while in the Inverter Mode. If in the Charger mode this does not occur, system seems to run fine. This failure mode occurs going from Inverter Off to On state.

I have read something about when the MultiPlus does the switch there is a brief moment that Nuetral/earth ground are disconnected. Not sure if this is true as I read this on a non-VE site.

So my question is: Is this expected when using a Surge Protector and if so is there a setup for the MultiPlus (configuration) that will allow this to work. And can someone tell me what that configuration is? I have the configuration tools to change the Multi-Plus.

Thanks in Advance


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ยท


Hi Loren.

Check in the software for if ground relay in the multi is checked or unchecked. You would also need to check how your unit is grounded and if it complies with safety standards where you are.

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wood2dust avatar image wood2dust commented ยท


Thanks it works, now for the big question. Just what does this relay do and how what is the recommended wiring when the relay is on the off position.



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra โ™ฆ wood2dust commented ยท

It is there for safety.

It is discussed further in this post.

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