
felipe-oliveira avatar image
felipe-oliveira asked

Quattro AC inputs

Can I have the two AC inputs live with Quattro? Will it choose one of the inputs only? Can it pass trough both currents?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Felipe Oliveira There are two inputs for two different sources. One for your main AC supply and one for back up supply such as a generator.

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felipe-oliveira avatar image felipe-oliveira commented ·

I want to have 2 generators connected to Quatro... What I want to know is if the two are on what happens...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ felipe-oliveira commented ·

As jaywolfe was saying it will prioritize the AC1.

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jaywolfe avatar image
jaywolfe answered ·

As default the auto changeover will use only power from a.c. one

It has an automatic transfer switch built in

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