
segeberger avatar image
segeberger asked

(Solved) Fan Multiplus II doesn't work


I got the brand new MPII (48/5000) and installed it now. Everything is fine so far.

Today during the day I got the alert via CCGX from the MPII "Temerature high". I had a load of around 2.8KW runing.

I am at home now and tried again with 4KW, after around 4 minutes the Red-Light (temperature) is blinking again but the fan doesn't start. There is no silent-assistant or any other assistant installed yet. No Change on any configuration with VE-Confiq.

Any ideas or is the fan simply defect?

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2 Answers
segeberger avatar image
segeberger answered ·


I already found the reason:

The connector was not mounted in the right position.

@Victronteam: Your final inspection is not that good. This kind of failure should not be possible

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Indeed, that should not be possible. Thank you for reporting. We’ll contact you by email to get further details.

best regards, Matthijs

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Go back to the supplier, yes the fan should start up once the loads come on, and low loads depending on ambient temperature and heatsink temperature etc.

Fan suspect or jammed or control electronics fail?


Rob D


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