
jess avatar image
jess asked

How do I update Firmware on Multiplus 12/800/35?

Hi, the image from inside is stating Firmware 2661430.VFD. This couldn't be found on the Firmware updates page. Which version should I use and why is the firmware ending with VFF on the site? S/N HQ1911G****

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

If you use Victron Connect it will find the correct firmware for you and update it. Much easier for the end user and less chance of errors.

I am assuming you already have equipment for connecting to the Inverter for the update.

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jess avatar image jess commented ·

Hi, I did the setup already; not sure about the update and whether the version I supplied is the latest?

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jess avatar image jess commented ·

The Victron Connect will only update the Connect software not the device.

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Could you please explain this a bit further?

Did you attempt to update the multi’s firmware in VictronConnect and it failed somehow?

Did you follow all the steps of the documentation -

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jess avatar image jess Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Will check, thanks.

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