
medavdsn avatar image
medavdsn asked

MultiPlus 1200VA with 120V

Does anybody know if there are any plans for 120V options in the smaller MultiPlus sizes? I need a inverter/charger for my RV which is 120V and would like power assist and 30amp transfer switch, but in smaller size than the 2000.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
neoneddy avatar image
neoneddy answered ·
would like power assist and 30amp transfer switch, but in smaller size than the 2000.

No you don't, I mean maybe you do , but consider this. The 2000 is KVA, not watts , really you're around 1600 watts with that , and you don't want to run even close to that max for long.

It would be an awfully niche use case for something smaller for Victron to build IMHO.

With the 2000 kva multiplus you've got room to spare if you want to use an electric coffee pot, or hotplate, especially as lithium prices keep dropping.

2 |3000

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