
Rasmus Mikkelsen avatar image
Rasmus Mikkelsen asked

Multiplus II backfeed?

Hi All :-)

Trying to figure out, if the multiplus II is for me. Thing is, it's not on the approved list here in Denmark. But will use it entirely as an offgrid inverter. No back feed.

How ever, my victron dealer tells me due to anti islanding, it can never back feed the grid with even the smallest amount.

But other I've heard from tells me it feeds a small amount back to sync with grid. I cannot have that happen. My electronic company would go mental. And in that case I'll have to look around for other options.

What are your experiences?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi @Rasmusm

With a simple system, your Victron dealer is correct. It will just accept the grid supply as any appliance would. Or any standalone battery charger.

In a much more complex system your 'other' advice may apply. And even then would depend on how it's wired up, software, etc.

So it may depend on what you're planning to do, and what other kit you might add.

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Rasmus Mikkelsen avatar image
Rasmus Mikkelsen answered ยท

Hi John, thank you for replying.

I have around 6.7kwp of solar panels, and 22kwh of lithium storage which will increase in the future.

I didn't think this would be any problem :/ really would hate to look else where for other Inverters.

Found this on another forum:

"Some countries (Germany, South Africa) requires two disconnection devices, one of which must be a physical switch (not electronic). The Multi only has one switch on the inside, so even though it has active anti-islanding included in the Multiplus, it is not legal for connection in such countries unless you add a second device. The Multigrid has two switches and is legal without the extra hardware"

So that extra hardware? Maybe it's possible, hard for me to figure out :-)

It is btw the multiplus II 48/5000 I'm looking at

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

Yeh, so your system isn't really quite so simple..

Note that your other-forum quote mentions a "Multigrid". Victron changed that name to Multiplus II a little later, so the functionality would likely run with that.

You may well have ac-coupled pv (an inverter), but we don't know. And it's a substantial system either way.

I can only recommend you run with your dealer's advice. But by all means keep asking here if you have questions.

There's surely no need to look elsewhere for other kit.

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