
dominic-ewen avatar image
dominic-ewen asked

charge current Multiplus 2

hello victron guy´s,

I have a multiplus 2 gx and the charging current bever exceeds 31A. The datasheet says 35A.

The multi is connect to a grid in Germany.

Batterie is LiPo. with 2 channel BMS



Capacity= 100ah

Why doesn´t the current go to 35A? What can I do ?

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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Dominic Ewen

If the BMS in the battery is connected by a data cable it could be dictating to the color control what the charge current should be and limiting it.

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dominic-ewen avatar image
dominic-ewen answered ·

There is no data connection to the bms. Only two channels digital. Charge and discharge allowed. The bms is an own development. Thanks for your support.

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jweij avatar image
jweij answered ·

Did you ever solve this problem?

My Multigrid 24/3000/70 is charging at 60A max although it's configured at 70A.

I already tried disabling "weak AC" and increased AC in current limit wich don't change anything.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi all,

this is normal, the 35 amp is the maximum charge current at 48 volt, higher voltage means lower charge current (charge power remains about the same)

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jweij avatar image jweij commented ·

that makes sense, in my case then still it's quite a bit lower than 1680W...

60A @ 26V is only 1560W.

I'll consider it as tolerances.. thanks for the explanation!

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