
ian-lloyd avatar image
ian-lloyd asked

How do I know when the MPPT was made? Do black terminals on 100/30 mean newer model?

I am about to buy the smartsolar 100/30 SCC, but wanted to confirm the latest model. I am seeing the same device listed in various places, some have larger, black wire terminals on the front. Can you confirm if these are the latest model? If not, how is it possible to tell the age of the unit before purchasing, as a friend bought a new Victron item, but found it to be manufactured in 2016, and had been sat on a shop shelf ever since...

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

To get an idea of the age of the unit, you can also look at the serial number.

The first two digits stand for the production year and the next two digits stand for the production week.

For example: serial number HQ1646XXXXX means that this unit was built in 2016, in week 46 of that year.

But unit age is not really a problem. Firmware is updated all the time to improve the product. Sometimes features are added such as the smart range with is bluetooth connectable. Also the Victron Service department has records of when an item was sold and from what distributor so Warranty claims can still be made.

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