
danepb avatar image
danepb asked

Correct AC out 1 Circuit breake size

Good day all,

I am experiencing a dispute on the correct CB size for the AC out 1 of a Multi 3KVA that is operating as a UPS.

Can you please advise.



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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi @DanePB

The 'correct' size is for your wires to say. But Victron do actually provide breakers for your identical Multi spec within their Easysolar boxes. Note 230V ac.

63A main, split to 2x 10A and 2x 16A on ac1, and separate 16A for ac2.

Hard to be more definitive than what Victron push out to their customers themselves.

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danepb avatar image
danepb answered ยท

Thank you, i see your point, basically 63A in and 63A out or a 1 to 1

The dispute is on the maximum allowed, in the manual it states, 32A to the Victron 3kva and 45A on AC out 1 ,(13A from the unit and 32A as past through), hence the max is 45A and recommended will be lower.

The distributor is stating the max allowed is 10A in ups mode.

I appreciate any input into this


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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

All I can think of is that he's setting a limit on what the batts can discharge when the ups is called upon.

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danepb avatar image
danepb answered ยท

I understand that. Does it make the use of a 32A wrong.

He states that you must use the 10A to protect the Victron and that 32A is to much while they unit is online as a back up.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

The Multi can look after itself, it doesn't need external protection. It's specs are quite clear about when it will derate or how long it can handle abnormal loads. It will just trip itself if pushed too hard, and won't hurt it.

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danepb avatar image danepb JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

Thank you,

That is what I told him. They are stating that because I did not use a 10A breaker, this caused a unit to fail.

The units mosfets poped under charging. They don't want to issue the RMA to Victron.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ danepb commented ยท

Under charging? Are you perchance using ac-coupled pv on ac-out?

Shouldn't matter anyway. And I've no idea why they wouldn't raise an rma. This isn't the place to discuss it, and we've no feeling for your relationship/situation, but this could be raised to a higher level in the Victron hierarchy if you choose. Just ask if you need leads.

Depends too if it's at your cost. Something fishy here.

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danepb avatar image danepb JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

I do, do AC coupled systems, but this one was a strandard backup installation charging from the grid.

I do have the email addresses of the High ups in Victron, I am willing to give the distributor a chance on this. If not, I will go higher. Thank you for your inputs.

Is there a platform where I can get someone higher in victron to discuss this with me?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ danepb commented ยท

There's really no 'official' platform that won't just send you back to the dealer. Perhaps the Sales Manager in your country after that:

Beyond there you'd need to have an awfully serious issue to take it further. But it's possible, and you could ask here again if you ever get to such a stage. Tag me if you do. But I'm sure you won't need to..

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danepb avatar image danepb JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

Hi, I am getting no join from the distributor or sales manager, can you make a suggestion?

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman danepb commented ยท

What model and rev on the unit?

I saw a 2629 rev 9 with popped mosfets.

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danepb avatar image danepb Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ยท

2629 not sure on the rev

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danepb avatar image danepb Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ยท

Why do you ask?

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