
tobi17 avatar image
tobi17 asked

SSR relay with MPPT


I build a BMS for my LTO battery and do want to control the charger with a SSR relay. I do assume, that I need to connect the SSR relay the "oppposite" way, which means L1/L2 connectors reverse since the current will flow reverse as well (from MPPT to battery).

Any suggestions? - Thank you!

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Good day @Tobi17,

LTO batteries and custom BMS systems are not supported, and use of third-party SSR relays is also not expressly supported. How you would need to connect your SSR is a question for the manufacturer of that particular relay.

If you're using a Victron Smart BatteryProtect (or non-smart BatteryProtect) then yes, you will need to connect the unit in "reverse" - that is, with the "out" connected to the battery and the "in" connected to the MPPT; from the wording of your post, however, it sounds as though you're using a 3rd-party SSR, in which case -again- please contact the manufacturer of your SSR for instructions regarding how to properly connect and program it.

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tobi17 avatar image
tobi17 answered ·

Thank you for your reply. Yes, i am using a Victron Smart BatteryProtect.

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Tobi17 oh perfect, then yes you should be fine. Just please take care to set the voltages appropriately, since the LTOs are far more sensitive (and volatile) than the more common LFP and Pb chemistries.

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