
harmodio avatar image
harmodio asked

Multiplus system stop charging 95.5%

We have two MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 120V the units are configured as split-phase

Both multiplus are updated at 2712469 firmware.

The problem is that after a discharge the system start charging but it goes into float. It should go to bulk them to absorption finally to float.

What can be the problem?

fig.1 here is the charger settings.

fig.2 here we can see the change at the input when restored after the AC blackout.

Here is the problem... system is not raising to 100%. the recharge only reach 95.5%.

This situation is not normal, the system is working since two months until now.

We can monitor system through venus device. firmware 2.33 in configuration battery monitor is set to automatic.: 24/3000/70-50 120V on VE bus.

thanks for your help.

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2 Answers
mrt avatar image
mrt answered ยท

Hi @Harmodio, Look at the options under the Battery Charge Curve drop-down. ..... Battery Charge Curve: The standard setting is โ€˜Four-stage adaptive with BatterySafe modeโ€™. A detailed description is in the User manual Section 2

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harmodio avatar image harmodio commented ยท

We have the same problem, we have several systems, sometime I use fixed and the system always make bulk absorption and float stages, now this is the first time we have problem with multiplus not charging 100%.

I tested this system with adaptive, but the problem is the same..

No problem still is active.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

Ist the battery capacity set to the correct value?

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harmodio avatar image harmodio commented ยท

Hi Lange! Yes we have 5 strings of 24V 100Ah. Vision bateries CG12-100.

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