
Keith Arnold avatar image
Keith Arnold asked

Why is Multiplus in absorbtion and smartsolar still in bulk?

I have a 5000/70 multi, 4 kW Fronius on ac1 out, a 250/70 smartsolar on dc bus and 2xEms48100 li-ion batteries.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If the Smartsolar and MultiPlus are not in an ESS system (with a CCGX or VenusFX etc.) then they will operate independantly, running their own algorithms.
In that case you can expect each charger to switch to different charing stages at different times.

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Keith Arnold avatar image Keith Arnold commented ·

Yes there is a ccgx and ess assistant running

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ Keith Arnold commented ·

In that case the MPPT should be under "External control".
It should say this in the Menu for the SmartSolar in the Device List:

If it says "Bulk" there, then it is working standalone. You probably have a communication problem between the SmartSolar and the CCGX.
How is the SmartSolar connected to the CCGX?

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Keith Arnold avatar image
Keith Arnold answered ·

Sorry i left out the ccgx. All connected to it. ESS assistant present

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