
fozzydabear avatar image
fozzydabear asked

How do I safely ground a cabin install with detachable generator?

I'm currently setting up my multiplus with a breaker box on AC1. The grounding instructions don't address a detachable generator if not in a vehicle with a chassis to ground to. Any suggestions for grounding the system with a detachable generator in a no vehicle environment?

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2 Answers
Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image
Riaan Barkhuizen answered ·

Hi @Fozzydabear,

Can you install a separate grounding rod for the generator and have it permanently connected to the multi on the AC1 input. The same point can go through your ac-box to provide the portable generator with a permanent earth.

You need to make sure that the resistance is below 5-10ohms, depending on local regulations.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards

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fozzydabear avatar image fozzydabear commented ·

I'd like to keep the generator portable as when it gets down to -50°F I need to bring it inside or it won't start when I need it. Could I do an earth ground out of the breaker box then ground the Multiplus case to the breaker case? If so would I need to turn off the ground relay?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Fozzydabear

There's a little more to doing this properly than meets the eye. First place to go would be your genny maker, to see what they recommend. Or if it's circuitry has been modified, find out what has been done.

Eg. It may/may-not have an internal Neutral/Earth link. You/your electrician need to know that, and indeed your Multi should be set to deal with it, either way. It may not need earthing at all.

I can't recall Victron publishing anything definitive re this, and I'm reluctant to post anything off the web. You could type 'generator grounding' into google for all sorts of explanations, and maybe country needs/regs differ too.

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fozzydabear avatar image fozzydabear commented ·

It seems my eu2000i generator is not bonded but one can make an Edison plug to make it so only when using it for cabin ac input. In theory, if this is the case, if I plug the generator in, the ground relay in the Multiplus will shut off and use the generator bond, then when unplugged the relay will turn on and again use the bond in the Multiplus again,is my thinking correct?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ fozzydabear commented ·

The Multi has that functionality aboard, but can be turned off too.

We're not actually encouraged here to give further advice on local ac wiring issues. We suggest you have a qualified person carry out what you want, and be able to test that it's up to scratch.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ fozzydabear commented ·
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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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