
tough avatar image
tough asked

Smart charger not powering On after firmware update

Hi All,

Could anyone help with this issue please?

I've got 2 smart chargers 1p67 24/12 models. I downloaded the Victron Connect app to connect to them to check the settings but the app would not allow me to connect until I did the firmware updates. The chargers had already been powering on and charging batteries and were working ok, I just wanted to check the settings.

So I followed the prompts and updated the firmware for both chargers through bluetooth.

After this now neither charger will power ON. Both are unresponsive, No led's lighting up or anything. The AC supply is checked and OK, I've isolated them form the batteries and the mains power and reconnected but still no good. Looks like the firmware has killed them??



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mjacobsen avatar image mjacobsen commented ยท

i just had the same experience on my blue smart charger 12/25. Did a firware update and got to about 94-95% and lights shut of on the unit and seem completely dead. disconnected the batteries and measure about 18 volts output from charger. But no lights and no connectivity. What to do?

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2 Answers
treejohnny avatar image
treejohnny answered ยท

I would power down the panels, then power down the charge controller. Power up the charge controller and then the panels. Just a power cycle.

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tough avatar image
tough answered ยท

All systems powered down for over 5 mins and still Dead .. I'd recommend Not doing this update.

Some help from Victron would be Nice ?

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Hi @Tough,

I will pass your post onto the developers.

For your immediate situation, please fill out this form to get help.

If anyone else has experienced the same, please also post to report it.

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tpnkt avatar image tpnkt Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท

I have also had the same thing happen on an IP67 blue smart charger 12/17. It has been working fine until the app prompted me to do a Firmware update and now the unit is unresponsive. Is there a solution for this?

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