
jdviescas avatar image
jdviescas asked

do I need a BMV-712 with a Smart MPPT 100/50

or can I use a BMV 702

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@jdviescas, the BMV and the MPPT are two separate, standalone devices and don't communicate with each other unless you're wanting to set up a VE.Smart Network between them. If you are trying to set up a VE.Smart Network, then you either need the BMV-712, as it has bluetooth built-in, or the BMV-700 or-702 with a compatible VE.Direct Bluetooth Dongle.

If you're not trying to network the two devices together, however, you can use any battery monitor you like, though I always recommend the -712 because the bluetooth built-in makes initial programming and subsequent monitoring far easier.

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