
geronimo avatar image
geronimo asked

Wire Victron 800w inverter to double socket?


Just fathoming out the wiring in my campervan build.

Can i wire a double socket plate to the inverter?
So I guess it would essentially be an extension lead but with a double socket plate that i can wall mount?


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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@geronimo yes, this is acceptable so long as you follow all pertinent safety precautions - ie use 12 or 14-ga 2-conductor + ground AC wiring with the proper receptacle and plug, and of course ensure that the wiring itself is protected as necessary, whether via conduit or flexible armor cable or other sheathing.

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geronimo avatar image geronimo commented ·

Thanks so much for your response.

Could you point me to the items you mention as it's not 100% clear to me:

"use 12 or 14-ga 2-conductor + ground AC wiring with the proper receptacle and plug,"

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