
trix avatar image
trix asked

MPPT 100/20 restarting


Every now and then my MPPT 100/20 restarts and then come back online again after a few seconds or minutes.

Two of our sites at different locations did it a few minutes apart from each other. They both use the same charge controller.

What might cause this problem?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi Trix. This may be related to Voltage differences between the panel and batt sides of the mppt. These aren't pwm cc's, and prefer a wider spread. There's a 5V min applicable for them to kick away, and a 1V difference once tracking Vmp for them to retain the connection.

So it's conceivable that even a cloud rolling over could 'trip' the mppt if the panels are set up with too little V-difference.

The mppt's also seem to retrack every 10 min, so this may also impinge on whether the connection is maintained.

This might not apply to you either way, but we'd need more info to help you try to nail it down.

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trix avatar image
trix answered ยท

Hi John,

What info do you need?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

Largely just the panel V and the Batt V. Ideally both when operating normally, or 'tripped'.

IF this is the issue, it may be related to how you've wired the panels, so maybe throw in their specs and whether they're parallel or series wired.

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