
samso avatar image
samso asked

100/50 MPPT Not displaying any Solar Info in App

I'm pretty new to all of this and cant seem to figure out the issue. I just hooked up my new solar system and the Victron App is not showing any information from the Solar side, no watts or amps. I have 3 150watt panels in parallel into a 100/50 Smart MPPT as well as a BMV 712. Batteries are 2x Battleborn 100ah lithium in parallel 12v. Both the charge controller and BMV have been setup according to battleborn.

I've checked breakers and fuses, all good. I cant figure out what I'm missing here.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Samso, check the polarity of your PV array connection... a solid 80% of the time that we see this, it's because polarity is reversed going into the MPPT.

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samso avatar image samso commented ·

Thank you, this was the problem. I rechecked all my connections on the roof and found a few that were the wrong polarity. Lesson Learned: dont install solar late at night with drinking buddies haha

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ samso commented ·

@Samso hahaha a good lesson for us all I think :-P

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