
Mark avatar image
Mark asked

What is the BMV C20 rating of multiple batteries connected in parallel?

Hi All

Happy New Year

Just a quick question.......

I’m setting up my bmv712 and just wondering if I’ve set the C20 correctly?

I have two 12V batteries in parallel with a c20 rating of 105Ah each so I set the C20 on the bmv to 210ah.

Is this correct and if not how do I work it out?



BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

You have it correct.

When the batteries are connected in parallel to maintain 12V, you increase the Ah.

If the batteries were connected in series, to increase the system voltage from 12V to 24V, you would use the Ah capacity of one of them.

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Mark avatar image Mark commented ·

Thanks again Guy

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