
jeffreyb avatar image
jeffreyb asked

Smartsolar 100/30 no panels show .01V

Just installed Smartsolar 100/30 with no panels hooked up. (Nothing connected to pV’s) also have networked BMV 712 with temp sensor. With no panels the voltage under solar shows .01 volts.

Should I be concerned about this? I have read a previous poster after reading all night about this but he had panels hooked up with a fuse.problem.

Here no pv connections.

Any insight regarding this?

thank you

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2 Answers
Elimac avatar image
Elimac answered ·

In my opinion this is completly normal. I'd be more concerned if you saw amps going in, not voltage. Small voltage can appear for a number of reasons, namely because of parasitic capacitance in input stage mosfets.

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@JeffreyB, this is only 1/100th of 1 volt that it's showing, so there's nothing to worry about here. Given that the "pv" and "battery" terminals aren't fully isolated from each other, a little ghost voltage between the input/output is entirely normal to see when one or the other isn't connected.

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