
richardp avatar image
richardp asked

Multiplus 12/800/35 Alarm when connecting VE.Bus.BMS

When I connect the Multiplus to the VE.Bus.BMS with the RJ45 it stops inverting and the alarm light comes on.

I have completed the 'van install' as per the schematic and so far everything else is running correctly.. The Multiplus works as a charger, UPS and as an inverter.

The Multiplus enabled light is on on the BMS. I haven't connected the 'Mains detect' as I don't plan to be using shore power.

Any help will be gratefully received!

Many thanks

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1 Answer
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

Do you have the VE.Bus BMS assistant loaded on your multiplus?

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richardp avatar image richardp commented ·

Thank you very much, Its working now. I didn't realise I needed it with this Multiplus.

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