
eyacht avatar image
eyacht asked

Why would I get an "Inverter Overload" error on my Quattro?

Hi everyone - I have five Quattro inverter-chargers on my boat; 4 x 48V and 1 x 12V ... they are all 5KW. The system has been in place for about 6 months and yesterday was the second time the 12V inverter-charger gave an "inverter overload" error. I could understand this if I had the kettle, washing machine, toaster and induction hob on ... but, as with the first time, there was actually very little load on the system. I am running firmware v430 on all of them. Is there any reason for this that I'm not getting? Is there anything I can check that might be causing it?

Thanks in advance.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ยท

Hi @eYacht,

You may wish to get a cup of tea and settle into Diagnosing inverter Overload with Johannes Boonstra.

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eyacht avatar image eyacht commented ยท

Thanks @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ... I had a coffee but watched the video :) While interesting, the take-away was still that the unit experienced a large current draw. But as I mentioned, there was only a few hundred watts on the system - nothing started up (or shut down suddenly) - we basically had the stuff that is always on running. The ambient draw of this is about 17 amps at 12V - fridges, lights, computers etc.

The setup is such that I have 2 x 48V / 540ah lithium banks and 1 x 12V / 900ah lithium bank. I usually have one of the 48V banks off and the other on, keeping the 12V bank close to 100% on float mode (I exercise the 12V system about once a month). I'm now wondering if the problem might be in the power coming from the 48V system. Does anything in this give further clues?

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It can be quite difficult with so many variables in the system.

Do you have a GX device? The data logging that it would provide is the surest and easiest way to help pin point the problem.

Also is the unit given an overload warning, shutting down on overload alarm then restarting itself after 30 seconds, or overloading to the point of not restarting?

Have you been in earshot of unit when it overloaded, was there noise coming from the multi like it was working or silence?

How are the 48V and 12V systems connected?

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eyacht avatar image eyacht commented ยท

Thanks @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) - yes I have the CCGX colour monitor ... I'll check the data log. The machine is about 2m from where I normally sit, although in a cupboard, and I didn't hear any alarm or odd noises. The fan sitting on the desk just stopped, which is how I knew the power was off. I turned it off & on again and all was well. The 48V inverters feed the 12V via a step-down transformer.

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