
andiarbeit avatar image
andiarbeit asked

hi there,is there the possibility to connect an battery charger to my mppt as well as the solar paneels? if yes do i have to connect some diodes to protect the paneels thanks

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

Not supported - not recommended - MPPT needs Vbat + 5v to begin charging

I would suggest to connect the charger directly to the battery.

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notger avatar image notger commented ·

and what about a ...lets say 48volt psu....i mean dc is dc or,...???

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ notger commented ·

I did not say it would not work. I said, it is not supported and not recommended.

There are lots of threads in this community where this is discussed in detail.

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ttbb avatar image ttbb notger commented ·

"i mean dc is dc or"

Well, no because a PSU is a switching power supply there will be a degree of noise that will not exist form a PV this may or may not cause issues with the nature of the MPPT.

A PSU is also a constant voltage and available current where as the PV will fluctuate in voltage and current that is available. The whole purpose of an MPPT is to track the PV output and maximise the current that is put into the battery. by connecting a PSU along with PV you are preventing it form doing its intended job. The PSU will not track and match the PV.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ ttbb commented ·

@TTbb yes.

Even if it would work, the MPPT might cause heavy overload to the PSU in some situations. With some (cheaper) PSUs, this might lead to production of magic smoke or even fire.

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