
edgargw22 avatar image
edgargw22 asked

Where do you control high temp alarm?

I recently had a system shut down because of high tempatures while boondocking and using my convenction microwave for about an hour. The following graph shows that it peak at about 27C (about 83F).

According to my settings on the BMV-712, setting 26 is for the "High Temperature Relay" which is currently set for 70C degrees (158F degrees). What am I missing?

The high tempature sensor is on the POS battery terminal. All terminals are 4/0 cable with 85 pounds torque on the battery posts. TIA...

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ยท

Hi Edgar,

High temp alarm is 43&44.

It is very easy to use VictronConnect to program your BMV.

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edgargw22 avatar image edgargw22 commented ยท

Wow - I see that now... My current settings is zero for both 43 & 44. Can I assume that they should be set the same as the High Temperature Relay (70C/158F)?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic โ™ฆ edgargw22 commented ยท

I would imagine that you would set the alarm threshold a little lower than the relay settings. Just so you get an alarm you can act on, before the relay trips.

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edgargw22 avatar image edgargw22 klim8skeptic โ™ฆ commented ยท

I just got a response from AM Solar on this - turns out I'm barking up the wrong tree...

Thier response: The BMV-712 is reporting the temperature of the battery terminal as you said but the alarm is coming from the VE.Bus system which simply means that it's coming from the inverter. The inverter reports a temp also from the battery when viewed in VRM. However, the issue appears to be caused by the inverter's internal temperature getting too high. I also noticed that the inverter has a couple of warnings. An overload warning and low battery warnings. I don't see any records from this exact moment so It's hard to say how much of a load was applied during that time. When I compare the Inverters DC readings versus the battery monitor's DC readings they are spot on. This means your DC wires are perfect from what I can tell. Is it possible that the inverter has limited airflow or is in a small space that is getting hot? From what I can see the batteries and inverter are close but the inverter must be getting much hotter than the batteries. Unfortunately, I can't see the inverter's internal temperature."

I'm going to run another test, but I'm going to open up the compartment doors and make sure there's plenty of air space around the Multiplus. I've got a laser temperture gun that I'll monitor it with while it's under load during the test.

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