
laurent63 avatar image
laurent63 asked

SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 in parallel to the Load output?


Is it possible to connect 2 or more SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 in parallel to the Load output?

My project:

1 solar panel of 320W connected to a MPPT75 / 10 which will charge 2 lead batteries in series (24V) and the output charge of the MPPT to my equipment (camera, wifi terminal).

This by 2 or more paralleling on the load output of the MPPT if possible.

Why more because in the future I will install a wind turbine with MPPT 75/10 or higher.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Laurent63, you should not connect an MPPT to a wind turbine - these devices are designed to operate with PV panels only and connection to a turbine could easily damage the MPPT or the turbine or both.

Nor can you connect a second MPPT to the load output of the first MPPT; you would gain nothing by doing this, and only run the very serious risk of damaging both devices through an unsupported connection, which would generally void your warranty.

Please read and understand all product manuals and consult a qualified and experienced DC installer prior to purchasing equipment that will not be suitable for your intended usage.

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