
isagone avatar image
isagone asked

BMV is losing 2% charge every day

I have a Bmv and twin 150/35 controllers

Chargers will go into float each day but the bmv reading drops by ave 2% each day

Ive done a reset to 100% Next day 98% so and so on

Checked shunt Think that's ok

Any help

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
isagone avatar image
isagone answered ·

Think I found the problem

I had the neg from charge contollers connected directly to battery neg

I've moved this to the shunt System now saying 100% Wait now to see tomorrow

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @isagone,

Please watch these instructional videos on how to:

  1. Connect the battery monitor

  2. Optimise the sync parameters.

  3. Use the software

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