
eneko avatar image
eneko asked

Mixing 12V and 24V inputs in MPPT

Hi, I have 4 solar panels working at 24V connected to a BlueSolar MPPT 75/15, with a 12V battery. I have a 12V small wind turbine and I wonder if it is possible to connect it directly to the same regulator or if it is mandatory to use another regulator.

Thanks in advance!

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You should use a separate regulator for wind otherwise the PV and Wind will be backfeeding or fighting each other. A 24 PV array may damage a 12V turbine.

Also, take precuations when connecting a Wind generator to a MPPT designed for Solar. The open circuit Voltage of electromagnetic generators can excess the maximum allowed Voltage of the MPPT and damage it. You may not get a good yeild from a solar MPPT supplied by a wind generator, the MPPT scan will very likely stall the turbine.

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