
Kristina Elaine avatar image
Kristina Elaine asked

Help With Grounding Solar Setup

Hey all,

We're ready to ground our system, and I'm needing help figuring out if I ground the charge controller, the battery, or the panels?

Thank you!

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Kristina. Grounding is quite a diverse subject, and the answer may also be diverse, depending on the kit you're installing.

Victron's take on it is likely well covered in here:

For a simple dc ELV batt charger system, typically in one place, from the batt -ve terminal. You could ground the box of the cc to that same place, but many wouldn't bother.

Don't ground the wires from the panels, but you can ground the panel frames to anywhere handy to help with lightning protection.

Have a look through that link, and if specific queries arise, please ask again..

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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