
vibe avatar image
vibe asked

Taking our yacht from Europe to the USA

We are taking our 220v yacht from Europe to the USA this winter. I appreciate that the USA is 60Hz and Europe is 50Hz. Having checked our equipment it will all work on the different frequency - but needs 240V. Which Victron product is best to convert the voltage?

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I would say a Isolation transformers or Auto transformer is what you need.

Sorry but currently can't say what you need exactly.

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kai avatar image
kai answered ·

The victron iso transformer (not sure about the auto transformer) does have a small upward bump in voltage from input to output.

While the toroidal core doesn't care about direction, the other circuitry in the casing may object to being used in reverse - if you were thinking of flipping the input and output sides.

Just to be clear, are you concerned about converting a 120v split phase (so 240v across the hots) shore power to 220v for input into your boat, or from the 220v GPOs on your boat to 240V so US 240V appliances can be run? or US 120V appliances?

In either case there is some tolerance on equipment so check that out before investing in conversion equipment.

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