
bill-balme avatar image
bill-balme asked

Battery Monitor and SOC

New system: Lynx 500BMS, Victron 330AH battery, Multiplus, Cerbo & Touch.


On VRM Lynx shows SOC 40%, on Touch, SOC = 89%

Battery monitor is selected as the MP - if I use Automatic, it reports no battery monitor!

Has DC System is selected, but no DC loads show on the screen.

I suspect all three issues are related - what have I done wrong?


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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You should be choosing the Lynx BMS as the battery monitor, the MP battery monitor is not as accurate as the Lynx BMS.

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bill-balme avatar image bill-balme commented ·

That sounds logical - however the Lynx BMS doesn't even show up as a possibility! For some reason the Cerbo is not seeing it...

I've now gone from bad to worse - the MP wont work when the BMS is turned on. It reports low battery (it's not) and won't click over to charge or invert... When the BMS is off, it seems to work fine.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell bill-balme commented ·

Have you got the Lynx connected to one of the VE CAN sockets and do you have terminators in the empty VE CAN sockets on both the Lynx and Cerbo. Has the VE CAN been set to 250kbps speed for use with Lynx BMS.

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It isn't so much that the internal battery monitor is not accurate. The issue is that it can only measure its own DC consumption and production. DC loads or PV, alternator, etc production won't be counted so the SOC the Multi reports won't be complete.

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