
alik-usik avatar image
alik-usik asked

About AC-out-2 of my inverter and noise level changing

I have a MultiPlus-II 48/3000/32-35 victron energy inverter.
I connected the washing machine to AC-out-2 of my inverter.

During its operation, the noise from the inverter changes relative
to the standard operation of the washing machine.

When the washing machine rotates its drum at a low speed and hums - my inverter also begins to hum - almost synchronously.

This is normal?


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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

@Alik Usik

I don't know if a washer load is similar to a hairdryer but have you seen this and many similar posts?


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alik-usik avatar image alik-usik Fideri commented ·


But I can't find information about "hum" noise in AC-out-2 when invertor work from grid with washing machine, not from battery...

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anacrhy2007 avatar image anacrhy2007 alik-usik commented ·

Does it sound like the FIRST video in this post?

Then no, that is not normal at all.
Yes it is true that there will be a slight increase or rather a syncronized humming sound from the inverter.

if it is not as bad as in the video then it's normal

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alik-usik avatar image alik-usik anacrhy2007 commented ·

No, there is no ringing in my inverter

I just feel a change in the frequency and intensity of the low-frequency sound depending on the stage of the motor/drum of the washing machine connected to output 2 of my inverter

I thought that the loads that go to output 2 should not affect the operation of the inverter and its noise in any way

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2 Answers
alik-usik avatar image
alik-usik answered ·


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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Alik Usik

A washing machine motor is an inductive source. The inverter has and inductor. And then there is physics in between.

The noise is normal for the inverter type you have.

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Sounds normal to me as well.

There are different types of motors in machines these days, but most washers will constantly stop and change direction and speed, which affects the load on the multi.

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